Trap Safety Rules
- Action of gun is to remain open while at the facility except when it is your turn to shoot.
- Gun MUST NOT be loaded until you are in a shooting position.
- Gun MUST be pointed down range while loading.
- Load no more than 1 shell when it it your turn to shoot at all houses except when shooting doubles at house 3. Load no more than 2 shells when it is your turn to shoot if shooting doubles.
- In case of gun or ammunition malfunction, the gun MUST be pointed down range until cleared.
- NO hulls are to be PICKED UP during a skeet or trap round.
- Do not walk in FRONT of the trap house while release mechanism is in the hands of the puller.
- No intoxicating beverage is permitted on or in the vicinity of the range at any time.
- No one is permitted in trap houses without permission of the Range Master or shoot management.
- In all instances not covered by established safety rules, the decicion and direction of the Range Master or shoot management will be final.
- Proper eye and ear protection MUST br worn by all persons beyong the POSTED SIGNS.
- No ammuntion heavier then 3 drams of powder and number 7 1/2 shot is permitted. Only trap loads allowed (7 1/2, 8, 8 1/2, 9 shot size)